Your landlord will give you or should give you a move-in inspection sheet on the day that you take possess of your new apartment. It is very important that you take about 30 minutes and do an inspection of your new home before you move-in. Indicate on the move-in condition sheet any pre-existing damage i.e. spots on the carpet, wall damage, the general condition of the appliances.
Promptly return your completed form to the landlord and be sure to sign and date it. Your landlord should sign it as well and provide you a copy to keep for your records.
Remember that the key to having your damage deposit returned to you is to leave the property clean and in the same condition in which you received it less normal wear and tear. You should not be leaving behind any damage, trash or a place in need of cleaning.
Once the apartment is empty and clean, accompany your landlord for a final walk-thru inspection. This is the time to pull out your copy of your move-in inspection sheet which both you and your landlord signed. Walk from room to room with your landlord and compare the current condition of the apartment with the notations that you made on your move-in form. Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss with your landlord any cost of repairs which will be held out of your deposit. And lastlyPsychology Articles, it is always wise to take some pictures of the rental unit just to document the condition.