Friday, December 8, 2006

Displaying Posters

How many ways can you display posters? With the easy availability of thousands of inexpensive posters online, you can turn any house or apartment into a unique art gallery!

Sure, a poster can be hung on a wall, or attached to it with tacks or tape. But often a more interesting look comes from placing a grouping of posters on the same wall. They don't have to be in the same colors or about the same subject. Just let them reflect what you like. Then get a balance among them, by arranging them in different ways and with different amounts of spaces between them. Paying attention to the blank spaces helps get that sense of balance. Soon you will find an arrangement that makes you say, "Aha! That's it!" Once a grouping is up on the wall, you can still change it any time you get a feeling that you want to add another poster or to rearrange the ones you have.

All apartments and houses have many places that you can display posters:

Any wall, so long as you can see it. If you can't get far back from it, choose a poster that looks good up close.

Doors, both going into a room and inside the room.

A garage or carport.

The bathroom. If you like to take baths or have a hot tub, how about an interesting poster on the ceiling over your tub? It may not last as long, due to the humidity, but it can be fun for however long it lasts.

A poster can be placed over the kitchen table and covered with clear plastic. This can give an interesting lookFree Web Content, especially with white or other simple dishes on the table.

These are just a few of the ways that you can display posters. Let your imagination take you further!