It is never easy to find an apartment online, but the electronic search for a home is very easy to get the hang of.
The best place to start is the Craiglist, a resource that is available in most of the major cities. In case you are not familiar with this term, you should think of it as an electronic bulletin board for apartment seekers. The advantage of this is the fact that there is no middleman involved, and you just respond to the ad and get the details on where and when to see the apartment.
Should this solution not satisfy your needs, then you can use Rentnet, which is another apartment resource of all the major cities. Rentnet also provides a list of tips and other helpful articles on how to learn the ins and outs of apartment searching online.
When doing an online apartment search, it would be best if you decided if you want a room mate or not. This is because if you do not want a room mate, you will most likely go through many ads seeking roommates on places like Craigslist, unless you specify otherwise in your search. So, the advanced search engines will help you in narrowing down the list to the ads that correspond to your demands.
There is a certain similarity between searching for an apartment and online dating. The main reason for it is the fact that many people may hide flaws in their apartments until they can get you out to look at the space. The apartments may have low water pressure or old flooring. Therefore the apartment ads with no pictures of the actual space must be ruled out, or at least put aside, in case nothing better comes along. The landlords will most likely answer any question about a certain apartment, so you should feel free and ask them anything that may bother you.
Whenever you decide to go seeing an apartment, you should ask a friend to come along. This is because you are meeting these people for the first time, and only after a viewing a few emails and a web site. In these situations, you must never be too trusting. So, at least tell someone where you are going and always take the cell phone with you, just to be absolutely sure that nothing bad will happen to you there.